
EduHackathon online at Politecnico di Torino!

The Italian EduHackathon, second multiplier event of the Edu-Hack project initially scheduled in Turin on 24 March and postponed due to the Covid-19 emergency, will be held on 27-28 April 2020, experimenting with an online formula. After following the activities proposed by the EduHack Online Course, 20 professors and researchers from the Politecnico di Torino (which organizes and manages the event), the eCampus University and the University of Genoa, assisted by 5 facilitators, will meet to work remotely in groups on the development of 5 project ideas for the building of tools or practices useful for online teaching and learning.

For more information, you can take a look at the program of the event.

eLearning in the age of Social Networks: the EduHack Platform

On October 25th 2018, as part of the initiative Learning on/with the Open Web, it was presented the first prototype of the EduHack Knowledge Sharing Platform, a new social networking platform that provides tools for both the educators and the learners to engage in discussion and online learning with the dynamics and the flow of modern social network websites.

For more information, see: and